How to switch weapons in mass effect
How to switch weapons in mass effect

In addition to letting you change your loadout, these forward stations also act as little safe havens where you can replenish your health and ammo. These are big blue-and-white pods that you'll have to call down in predetermined locations marked on your map before you can use them, according to Gosu Noob.

how to switch weapons in mass effect

When you're out and about exploring new planets, you can change your loadout and swap teammates around using a forward station. You'll also have the chance to change your loadout before embarking on a mission when you're selecting which squadmates to bring along with you. You can find these loadout stations aboard the Tempest and in hub areas. To change your armor, weapons and weapon mods, you'll have to visit a loadout station, which looks kind of like a futuristic gym locker. How to equip armor in Mass Effect: Andromeda Here's how to equip your armor in Mass Effect: Andromeda. For whatever reason, BioWare decided to make you plan a bit more carefully if you want to change Ryder's loadout while you're exploring the galaxy.

how to switch weapons in mass effect

In most big role-playing epics, you can change your weapons and armor at any time through the pause menu.

How to switch weapons in mass effect